Ochrana osobních údajů

If you are our customer, newsletter subscriber or website visitor, you entrust us with your personal data. We are responsible for their protection and security. Please familiarize yourself with the personal data protection, principles and rights you have in connection with the GDPR (Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data).

Who is the administrator?

We are the company Smart Coach, s.r.o., IČO 14295628, with registered office at Příčná 1892/4, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic; registered at the Municipal Court in Prague under file number C 363336. We process your personal data as an administrator, i.e. we determine how personal data will be processed and for what purpose, for how long, and we select any other processors who will help us with the processing.

Contact details

If you want to contact us during processing, you can contact us at tel. +420 776 292 799 or e-mail: info@weboptim.cz


We declare that, as the administrator of your personal data, we fulfill all legal obligations required by applicable legislation, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR, and therefore that:

  • we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason, namely legitimate interest, performance of a contract, legal obligation or consent granted,
  • according to Article 13 of the GDPR, we fulfill the obligation to provide information even before starting the processing of personal data,
  • we will enable and support you to exercise and fulfill your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

Scope of personal data and processing purposes

We process personal data that you entrust to us yourself for the following reasons (to fulfill these purposes):

  • Provision of services, fulfillment of the contract:
    We absolutely need your personal data in the scope of: e-mail and telephone to fulfill the contract.
  • Bookkeeping:
    If you are a customer, we absolutely need your personal data (invoicing data) to comply with the legal obligation to issue and register tax documents.
  • Marketing - sending newsletters:
    We use your personal data (e-mail and name), gender, what you click on in the e-mail and when you most often open it for the purpose of direct marketing - sending commercial messages. If you are our customer, we do so out of legitimate interest, as we reasonably assume that you are interested in our news, for a period of 5 years from the last order.
  • Advanced Consent Marketing:
    Only based on your consent, we can also send you inspiring offers from third parties or use your e-mail address, e.g. for remarketing and advertising targeting on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, in the Google Ads, Sklik systems, for a period of 5 years from the granting of consent. This can of course be revoked at any time via our contact details.
  • Photographic documentation – live events, e.g. training, conferences.

We retain your personal data for the duration of the statute of limitations, unless the law stipulates a longer period for their retention or we have not stated otherwise in specific cases.

Security and protection of personal data

We protect personal data to the maximum extent possible using modern technologies that correspond to the level of technical development. We protect them as if they were our own. We have adopted and maintain all possible (currently known) technical and organizational measures that prevent misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data.

Transfer of personal data to third parties

Our employees and associates have access to your personal data.

In order to ensure specific processing operations that we cannot provide on our own, we use the services and applications of processors who can protect data even better than us and specialize in the given processing.

They are providers of platforms or services for project management, direct marketing and accounting.

It is possible that in the future we will decide to use other applications or processors to facilitate and improve the quality of processing. We promise you, however, that in such a case, when choosing, we will place at least the same demands on security and quality of processing on the processor as we do on ourselves.

Transfer of data outside the European Union

We process data exclusively in the European Union or in countries that ensure an adequate level of protection based on the decision of the European Commission.

Your rights in connection with the protection of personal data

You have a number of rights in connection with the protection of personal data. If you would like to use any of these rights, please contact us via e-mail: info@weboptim.cz.

You have the right to information, which is already fulfilled by this information page with the principles of personal data processing.

Thanks to the right of access, you can challenge us at any time and we will provide you with evidence within 30 days of what personal data we process and why.

If something changes about you or you find your personal data out of date or incomplete, you have the right to supplement and change your personal data.

You can use the right to restrict processing if you believe that we are processing your inaccurate data, you believe that we are processing unlawfully but you do not want to delete all data, or if you have objected to the processing.

You can limit the scope of personal data or processing purposes. (For example, by unsubscribing from the newsletter, you limit the purpose of processing for sending commercial messages.)

Right to portability

If you would like to take your personal data and transfer it to someone else, we will proceed in the same way as when exercising the right of access - except that we will provide the information to you in a machine-readable form. Here we need at least 30 days.

The right to delete your data from our database (to be forgotten)

Your other right is the right to erasure (to be forgotten). We don't want to forget you, but if you wish, you have the right to do so. In this case, we will delete all your personal data from our system and from the system of all sub-processors and backups. We need 30 days to ensure the right to erasure.

In some cases, we are bound by a legal obligation, and for example, I have to register issued tax documents for a period specified by law. In this case, we will delete all such personal data that are not bound by another law. We will notify you by email when the deletion is complete.

Complaint to the Office for Personal Data Protection

If you feel that we are not handling your data in accordance with the law, you have the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection at any time with your complaint. We would appreciate it if you first inform us of this suspicion so that we can do something about it and correct any errors.

Unsubscribing from newsletters and business communications

We send you e-mails with news, articles or products and services if you are our customer based on our legitimate interest.

If you are not yet a customer, we only send them to you based on your consent. In both cases, you can unsubscribe from our emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each email sent.


We would like to assure you that our employees and collaborators who will process your personal data are obliged to maintain confidentiality about personal data and about security measures, the disclosure of which would endanger the security of your personal data. At the same time, this confidentiality continues even after the end of contractual relations with us. Without your consent, your personal data will not be released to any other third party.

These principles of personal data processing apply from 1 December 2021.


When you browse our website, we record your IP address, how long you stay on the page and which page you come from. We perceive the use of cookies to measure website traffic and customize the display of websites as a legitimate interest of the administrator, as we believe that thanks to this we can offer you even better services.

Why we use cookies

The company Smart Coach s.r.o., with registered office at Příčná 1892/4, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, IČO: 14295628, registered in the commercial register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague under file number C 363336, is the operator of the website www.weboptim.eu. The company Smart Coach s.r.o. is the administrator of personal data and uses cookies on its website for the following purposes:

  • measuring website traffic, creating traffic statistics and visitor behavior on your website,
  • the functioning of its website,
  • to optimize ads on social networks (e.g. Facebook),
  • for optimizing ads on AdWord and Sklik.

It concerns the processing of personal data

The collection of cookies for the purpose mentioned in the previous paragraph can be considered as processing of personal data. Such processing is possible on the basis of a legal reason and is enabled by Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (general regulation on the protection of personal data) (previously and hereinafter "Ordinance").

It's in your hands

You can also use the website in a mode that does not allow the collection of visitor data. This mode can be set in the browser. Based on Article 21 of the Regulation, an objection can also be raised against the collection of data, by sending it to the contact address of Smart Coach s.r.o. or by email to info@weboptim.cz. We will evaluate your objection no later than 30 days after we receive it. Cookies necessary for the functionality of the website will only be kept for the time necessary for the website to function.

Which unfortunately we cannot guarantee

If you object to the processing of technical cookies necessary for the functioning of the website of Smart Coach s.r.o., then the full functionality and compatibility of the website cannot be guaranteed.

Cookies that are collected for the purpose of measuring traffic on Smart Coach s.r.o.'s website, creating statistics on traffic and the behavior of visitors on the website, are assessed in the form of a collective entity and a pseudonymized form that allows identification of an individual only with considerable and professional effort.

We evaluate the data as a whole

Cookies that Smart Coach s.r.o. uses to optimize ads on social networks (e.g. Facebook), AdWords and Sklik are, as in point 4, assessed collectively and in pseudonymized form.

You can take back your decision

Advertising targeting cookies are processed based on your consent. You grant it for the period that is indicated for individual marketing cookies. Consent to the collection of cookie data for marketing purposes can be withdrawn at any time by changing the settings of the relevant internet browser.

Other processors of personal data

Please note that the collected cookie files are also processed by other processors:

  • Google Analytics, Google Inc., USA
  • Facebook Inc., Kalifornie, USA

The above-mentioned processors of personal data also handle cookies in accordance with their terms and conditions, which you can find on their websites.

What are you entitled to?
  • From the company Smart Coach s.r.o., which operates the website mentioned in point 1, you have the right to request information about your personal data processed by the company. You can also request a copy of them.
  • Furthermore, you have the right to request access to your personal data from the above-named company and to have them updated or corrected, or to restrict their processing.
  • You may request the deletion of your personal data. The company Smart Coach s.r.o. will only carry out the deletion if it does not conflict with valid legal regulations and the legitimate interests of the company.
  • In the case of processing personal data based on consent, you have the right to request the transfer of this data.
  • In case of doubt about compliance with obligations related to the processing of personal data, it is your right to contact the company Smart Coach s.r.o. or to the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, in extreme cases even to court.

What cookies we collect

Smart Coach s.r.o. collects the following cookies on its website:

Statistical_gatGoogle Analytics to regulate the speed of entering requests.Relace
Statistical_gidRegisters a unique identification number that is used to generate statistical data about how the user uses the website.Relace
Statisticaltest_cookieIt is used to determine if the user's browser supports cookies.1 day
Marketingleady_session_idIt is used for visitor identification.Relace
Marketingleady_tab_idIt is used for visitor identification.Relace
Peter Gáborík

Peter Gáborík

Project Manager & Marketing Consultant

I will be back soon

Peter Gáborík
Vítam vás na našom webe. Ak by ste potrebovali s niečím poradiť, neváhajte sa na mňa obrátiť. 🤝🏼